Mazta Farma

Towrads a leading company in the cosmetic industry, health care and supplements



Our Vision

Be a trustworthy company to the partners and associates to market foreign investment products and domestic investment products in the Indonesian market especially cosmetics and health care.


Our Mission

Develop a professional human resources and experienced in a positive culture

Provide a great opportunity to exemplary and outstanding employees to develop and pursue greater careers in the company

Provide high quality products, both local products and imported products

Give the best service to all of our customers, both doctors and pharmacists

Increase the prosperity of our employees with better standards



               azta Farma was founded in 2010. The company’s main business is the distribution of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries in the country. At the beginning the company was founded and developed based on Outsourcing Marketing activities. This step was motivated by various marketing problems where many companies experienced problems, especially in marketing their products. The non-maximization of the sales concept in the market brings new challenges for Dedi Dianto to immediately remove the ‘root of the problem’ and immediately form a superior and professional Marketing Team. Mazta Farma has a vision to become a trusted company for partners or work partners to market products, especially cosmetics, healthcare and supplements. Mazta Farma prioritizes customer satisfaction in every service and operational activity of the company and constantly develops methods.

For best distributing throughout Indonesia and contribute to the realization of a better and more prosperous life for consumers in Indonesia. In line with the rapid development of the cosmetic industry in Indonesia, new challenges arise in the form of increasing the number and types of products needed by the community to the distribution process throughout Indonesia, from cities to remote villages. This challenge motivates Mazta Farma to focus more on developing existing superior products by expanding its activities towards cosmetic manufacturing production to produce its own products in Indonesia. This development is expected to provide cosmetic needs for the wider community more affordable in terms of price and also the variety of existing products.


Our Core Values

Develop a professional human resources and experienced in a positive culture

Provide a great opportunity to exemplary and outstanding employees to develop and pursue greater careers in the company

Provide high quality products, both local products and imported products

Give the best service to all of our customers, both doctors and pharmacists

Increase the prosperity of our employees with better standards

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